The Availability Heuristic

The availability heuristic is a mental shortcut that leads us to draw conclusions based on what comes to mind immediately. This means that when we make a decision, we give a lot…

UX interviews

1- How can I prepare to do a good interview?  When you’re going to an interview, you have to research about UX, look at Google, look at blogs, go on LinkedIn, and…

3 Myths About Teens and Tech

  Myth #1: Teenagers’ mobile proficiency transfers across all devices.  In general, teenagers seem quite effective on their mobile devices though they still make some mistakes. But, on desktop, efficiency seems to…

Findability vs. Discoverability

Findability and discoverability are two concepts in UX related to accessing content within a website or app. While they’re related, findability and discoverability differ, and the methods used to test each are…